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Chiron in Aries

November 15, 2018

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, the Alchemist of the Zodiac, has changed sign in April, and we’re sure we’ve already felt his powerful skills. Healing, grief, pain and sadness are all part of the experience of being human. Chiron is the

Full Taurus Moon on October 24, 2018

November 15, 2018

The Moon in Taurus is considered “exalted”, moves at a slower pace. Need for nature, comfort and sensuality. The Taurus Full Moon October 24, is about sudden change and uncertainty, as it conjuncts Uranus at 1o Taurus. Taurus, a Fixed

North Node of the Moon in Cancer

November 15, 2018

What am I supposed to do with my life? Why am I here? What is my mission? A change of sign is always significant in Astrology and when it happens for the Axial Node, the changes cannot be postponed or

Jupiter in Sagittarius

November 15, 2018

A few dates to remember: Jupiter will finish his transit in Scorpio November 7th to enter his own sign, Sagittarius on the 8th. It will leave on December 2rd, 2019. A New Moon in Scorpio on the very same day


October 8, 2018

Acupuncture is a form of Alternative Medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the patient’s body. As part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is believed to have originated around 100 BC and having gained popularity in the West around the

Tibetan Singing bowls

October 8, 2018

Tibetan Singing Bowls are a type of Alternative Medicine. They have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. It reduces stress, physical and emotional strain through sounds. As we know, stress triggers a surge of hormones, an increase in heart

Music Therapy

September 25, 2018

Music has been used as a type of Therapy since the late 18th century. Music has a strong power on our body, our cells, our mind and our spirit. Music has a way of opening our hearts and helps us feel

Herbal Medicines

September 25, 2018

The use of Herbal Medicine is gaining popularity, due to a desire to return to nature. Herbal treatments were used around the world for centuries before conventional Western medicine came along. Never the less, most Conventional physicians don’t consider Alternative

Alternative Therapies

September 25, 2018

It covers different systems of Healing practices not recognized by the Medical curriculum in Western countries. It covers Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Flowers and Minerals Essences, Counseling, Naturopathy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, Massage, Tai Chi, Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and

Neptune goes Direct in Pisces, November 25th!

September 24, 2018

Recently you’ve been feeling like your dreams have gone off track, but don’t worry you’ ll be much more enthusiastic from November 25th and onwards. You will feel freer than ever and everything will make sense again. Neptune, the God

Pluto is Direct in Capricorn

September 24, 2018

Pluto has been in Retrograde in Earthy Capricorn, since April 22nd. These past 5 months have rocked the boat, for many of us and this Direct motion will be more than welcome. The dwarf planet’s change of direction will bring

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio, what does it mean?

September 24, 2018

Venus in Scorpio is passionate, intense and much more. Sex and money will be strongly interconnected and nothing will be dull. On October 5th, Venus will start its Retrogradation and this will surely complicate the whole story. On November 1st,

Virgo New Moon on September 9th.

September 17, 2018

With 7 planets in Earth Signs, the September Virgo New Moon is full of potential, is positive and shows promise. It will bring order and peacefulness after the rough Summer months. The heat will subside and you will be able

Venus entered Scorpio on September 9th

September 17, 2018

Venus is all about Beauty, Art, Love and Money. Venus symbolizes your understanding of Love and your relationship to money. Venus transiting the Sign of Scorpio has a lot of surprises in store for us, some good ones but also

What can I get from this Mercury Retrograde period?

September 11, 2018

From July 26th, Mercury goes backwards in the sign of Leo, at 23o. The next three weeks are going to be challenging, for sure, as Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are retrograding, as well. But you will feel so much

Mercury enters in Virgo

September 11, 2018

When Mercury enters in Virgo on September 5th, we’d better be ready for hard thinking, analyzing and selecting. It’s time for practicality and precision in our words and in our actions. Mercury is the ruler of both Gemini and Virgo

Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse

September 11, 2018

There is an Aquarius Lunar Eclipse on July 27th, so get ready for fireworks! If you’ve been postponing important changes, it’s possible that they can happen now. Mars is conjunct with the Full Moon at 5o Aquarius, watch out for

Saturn turns direct at 2o Capricorn on September 6th, no more pressure!

September 11, 2018

This is excellent news! Saturn has been rocking our boat and blocking our way since mid April and finally goes direct in Capricorn on September 6th. This will be followed by an intense feeling of relief and freedom. We will

Western Astrology versus Vedic Astrology

September 11, 2018

Western astrology is Tropical Zodiac as Vedic astrology is Sidereal Zodiac. Today, there is a 24-degree difference between the two systems. In Western Astrology, the Sun Sign is used for horoscopes and predictions. In Indian Astrology, the Moon Sign is

What is cheating?

September 11, 2018

Let’s start with a few actions such as: Acting dishonestly Committing adultery Being unfaithful Playing mind games Being untrue, false, inconsistent According to these actions, cheating is rather negative and a demonstration of a lack of respect. There is nothing

What is a Spiritual life coach?

September 11, 2018

A spiritual coach is someone that helps you change your life. More than examining your behaviors, patterns and objectives, he will help you connect to the divine. Spiritual coaches have and live with spiritual principles. They can help others to fulfill their lives. Spiritual

What do we call Latin Tarot?

August 14, 2018

Latin Tarot or Tarot de Marseille is getting more used, these days. Despite the popularity of the Rider-Waite cards, the Tarot de Marseille is very trendy in Europe and the US. The Latin Tarot is one of the oldest decks.

MARS Retrogrades in AQUARIUS

July 31, 2018

Since June 2018, Mars, the planet of action, risk-taking and adventure has been in the sign of Aquarius. Thinking outside the box could be beneficial to make one’s dreams come true. There is no place for weakness or dreaminess, it

What are the various meanings of the Number 7?

July 31, 2018

In History: It seems that the number 7 has always had a special place in History. Often considered as a sacred, magical number, the number 7 remains intriguing. We come across number 7 everyday, it is part of our everyday life as there

What about the sky during Summer 2018?

July 30, 2018

Mars joined the other Retrograde Planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto on June 26. Mercury will be part of this retro dance, July 26 onward. Having so many dancers in backward motion, will slow down the general

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